There are many people becoming increasingly interested in designing websites. This means that you have a lot of competition if you are trying to earn a living designing webpages. Check out the following article to see how you can create a great website that is the envy of your competition. web design
When you design a web page, always choose the graphics that are appropriate for your purposes. Keep in mind how big a bitmap image is, but using PNG images work better. For text buttons, screenshots, and other images that are not photographs, use PNG for images with over 256 colors and GIF for images with less. You can use Jpegs for photos.
Avoid useless scripts. Scripts like counters and date/time scripts don’t really serve any purpose, and since they are all JavaScript, can add a few kilobytes to the page’s file size. Getting rid of these elements also frees up space on the homepage. Replace those useless scripts with useful content that keeps users coming back.
Don’t use frames. It isn’t the 90’s anymore. The popularity of frames declined as the more obvious problems became apparent. Visitors are bookmark junkies and frames make that task extremely difficult and a simple scroll an annoying effort. Use other ways to make your site easier to navigate instead.
Preserve the personal information users submit on your site safely. If users register on your site, some of their data should be saved. This makes it easier to fill out forms, and is considered to be very convenient. This information retention and re-use makes site transactions much easier, and many people will appreciate that.
Knowledge is power, and the more you know about web design, the better off you will be. Start with the tips here, but make sure you read all that you can get your hands on.
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